Wedding Prep: Attending a Bridal Fair

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Over the weekend, my shy self was ushered off to a Bridal Fair (which would be more appropriately described as a Bridal Circus) where I spent most of the time being bounced around between rather aggressive vendors and answering two questions over and over again- when we were getting married, and what the weeding colors were going to be. Hooboy. If I attempt one of these fairs again, champagne better be involved!

We did meet a lovely florist whose designs and kind demeanor were rather refreshing, so not all was a bust. I also gave a little more thought about the colors we've chosen and how they could be worked into the invitations. We're going with a very dark teal, black and white. I cruised around a bit (my fave paper supplier, they truly rock!) and ordered some samples to start playing with. Can't wait until they get here! You can see some pics of a couple of the samples below.